Community Post

Better Response Promised For Streetlights – Report ‘Em Now

Our friends at the Seattle PostGlobe say that the Mayor’s team is promising a better response on streetlight fixes:

Even though the city faces a reduced budget, using the money this summer, when fewer lights go out during the long days, would allow crews to work overtime to catch up on fixing the lights.

Burned-out lights still won’t be fixed as quickly as nine years ago, but Fryer said in an e-mail that crews should be able to repair streetlights in about 10 days after they’re reported – better than the month and a half that it now takes to get to them.

But lights will only get fixed if you report them:

  1. Write down the pole number for the light that’s out (look for yellow numbers on a black background)
  2. Fill out the form on the city’s website:
  3. Keep track of how long it takes to get a fix, and let us know in the comments below if it’s more than 10 days

0 thoughts on “Better Response Promised For Streetlights – Report ‘Em Now

  1. I’ve had a request in since Jan. 7th. Inquired on progress in March and was sent the “we’re in a tough economy” email. Inquired via the Citizens Service Bureau in April and got no response other than my concern was forwarded to the appropriate City Dept. Maybe streetlights are the new potholes in an election year.

  2. I just reported one on 5/20–here is the response mail I got back:
    Thank you for reporting this streetlight problem. Your trouble ticket

    “Repairs may take several months. A more than $60 million revenue shortfall is forcing City Light to cut operating costs, (keeping rates flat), limit overtime and freeze open positions. While we are doing our best to repair streetlights, under the circumstances long delays are unavoidable. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Our contact number is (206) 684-7056.
    City Light
    Customer Care Division