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Watch It Tonight: What’s Next for the Seattle Police Department?

(given the assorted public safety issues in the CD, it would be prudent for us to take a very active part in the selection of the next Seattle Police chief. The interim chief, John Diaz, was East Precinct commander for several years. I recall no concerns or issues related to him.  

 I’d be overjoyed if the Mayor chose Captain Mike Meehan as our new Police Chief. He was East Precinct Commander before Paul Donoagh, and struck me as a very competent, realistic, down-to-earth kind of guy. )


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, March 20, 2009

Contact: George Howland Jr., Seattle Channel Communications, [email protected], (206) 684-5755


Watch It Tonight: What’s Next for the Seattle Police Department?

City Inside/Out premieres Friday, March 20, 7 p.m., Cable 21; program examines the current state of police-community relations in Seattle and asks what community leaders are looking for in a new chief. Guests include Seattle Police Officers’ Guild President Rich O’Neill, Seattle/King County NAACP President James Bible,’s Scott Gutierrez and SE Seattle Crime Prevention Council’s Mariana Quarnstrom.


SEATTLE —The Seattle Police Department will likely have a new chief soon. The current Police Chief, Gil Kerlikowske, has been nominated by President Barack Obama to be the nation’s next drug czar. As Kerlikowske goes through Senate confirmation, the Mayor has appointed an interim police chief is looking for a permanent replacement. On this week’s City Inside/Out, we examine the current state of law and order and police-community relations in Seattle. We also ask what community leaders are looking for in a new chief. Joining us in the studio are the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild President Rich O’Neill, Seattle/King County NAACP President James Bible,‘s Scott Gutierrez and SE Seattle Crime Prevention Council’s Mariana Quarnstrom.


Tune in tonight, Friday, March 20, 7 p.m., Cable 21 on SEATTLE CHANNEL. Did you miss last week’s show on the debate over reducing sentences for drug crimes? You can watch it right now by following this link:  >


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