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Old Dilettante Space

With Twilight Exit coming to 26th and Cherry, is there any new news about the Dilettante building?

0 thoughts on “Old Dilettante Space

  1. Central Space owns it (I think). They advertise on this blog. I’ve checked out the floorplans a few times as I’m thinking of relocating my business. I’m not the right business for the space, it needs a later night establishment–restaurant or pub preferably. It would be a great night life location. Of course, Dilettante thought that as well…

  2. my feeling is until you can make that corner both safe and walkable, a night life establishment will not fly. it’s like having a giant pub on elliot ave in interbay, right off the road.

  3. The building is being offered for sale at $1,050,000 with seller financing (meaning no bank loans required). This is an amazing opportunity for someone to start a business in an area with huge demand and little to no supply. The building is also for lease check out

  4. Jefferson, there are commercial condos going up mid-block on the north side of Union between 20th & 21st. They’re priced at ~$400,000. There are four with some offstreet parking. I keep telling the owner and agent to put an ad here on CD News.