This Saturday at the Douglas Truth library, yesler and 23rd, from 2:45 –
5:45 people can fill out complaint forms to be sent to the Department
of Education. As many parents as possible from our
area will need do this, so please do your best to stop by there during the
allotted time. Please pass this info on to as many parents as
you can!!!
I received this notice.
I am relaying this message from Chris Jackins. He has an appeal ready
to be filed which can apply to any and all families directly affected
by the vote of January 29th to move or discontinue programs. If you
haven’t met Chris, I can vouch for his knowledge and integrity on this
issue. The appeal must be filed within 30 days of the vote so the
time is now short.
While legal action is expensive and uncertain there is no cost
obligation to get your name on this appeal. If you want to know more
call Chris at (206) 521-3288 or (206) 219-1687. You will most likely
get a message machine but Chris will get back to you in a timely
manner. Be sure to give him good times to call.
Chris has more specifics but feel free to email or call me as well.
Elaine Schmidt
(Nova PTSA president)
(206) 364-3149
[email protected]
Perhaps Scott should run this as a featured news story as closed schools effects the entire community not just parents.
These actions in response to the District’s capacity management plan are mutually beneficial. Impacted families can file an appeal with the aid of Chris Jackins AND file a complaint with the US Dept of Ed office of civil rights.
Neither the appeal nor the DoE complaints are dependent on individual incidents of discrimination. Rather, through these actions we are asking the District, State and US DoE to investigate- specifically:
-the disproportionate impact on “protected classes” of students (racial/ethnic minorities, English language learners, GLBT, special education students, youth (we may claim age as a “protected class” as well)…
-moving students from seismically-sound to non-retrofit buildings
-incorporation of all “best practice” policies
-the legal hoop jumping of referring to schools as “programs” or “buildings”
-coordinating with the City Council’s Themes and Priorities for the year
-policy adoption aimed at improved educational outcomes
-(and on and on and on…)
Ideally, these legal steps will protect neighborhood schools, shine light on the multiple areas of concern in the district, improve over site, and eventually strengthen our K-12 schools. We need broad community support to advocate for education and reverse the national trend of declaring failing schools, closing programs and laying the ground work for privatization of public education.
Appeals process here-
Discrimination Complaint here-
Want to learn more?- ESP Vision, Tuesday 2/24, 6:30p, Garfield CC