Good news! It looks like warmer temperatures overnight have cleared up the snow from most major arterials. But there’s still a good amount on side streets, so you could have problems getting out of your part of the neighborhood if there’s any hills involved.
Metro also says that they’re running normal routes through the neighborhood, with the exception of the #27 bus that is truncated at 23rd and not going further east down to the lake. But things are off schedule, so expect delays of up to 30 minutes for your bus to arrive.
Please update the comments below if you find particular routes that are challenging or bus routes that don’t meet Metro’s claims.
As of this evening, the #27 bus is still not runnig down into lower Leschi. Last night the heavy snow brought a tree down tangled in wires and the tree people are waiting for the City Light folks to do something about the wires before they can chew up the tree. So no buses or cars down Lake Dell Ave.