We walked up to Tougo for a company meeting and found a sad sign in
the door: Closed until further notice due to frozen pipes.
Eeek! Luckily Katy’s is still open at 20th & Union.
We walked up to Tougo for a company meeting and found a sad sign in
the door: Closed until further notice due to frozen pipes.
Eeek! Luckily Katy’s is still open at 20th & Union.
or at least they were at 6:20pm, dec 15th.
Not sure how they thawed the pipes, but it was good to get some coffee before heading to the TTMinor meeting!
Yes it was a tragedy to see so many of our faithful not being able to enjoy the warmth in a cup, on a plate, or in a smile. We were working hard to make repairs and after 4 1/2 hours we were up and running again. I guess this is one of the things that happen to almost turn of the Century plumbing, and additions to it.
Anyway Scott sorry that you could not have your meeting here, and glad that you found another place to hold your meeting.
OK so this is all I have for you gotta go and sweep the snow from the front of the shop now. HAPPY SNOW DAY!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
PS I am glad you got some coffee before the TT Minor Meeting