The Seattle PI has obtained the police reports for Tuesday night’s shooting, saying that warnings went out within the SPD about possible retaliation shootings between gangs in the CD and the south end of the city:
Three hours after Cheatham was shot Tuesday, an officer recognized six known members of the 74 Hoover Criminals, the notorious South Seattle gang, near that intersection. The officer wrote in the report that it was odd that six would occupy the gang-claimed bus shelter at the same time.
“Based on the large gathering of gang members at the bus stop following two gang-related shootings, I believed that the six ’74 Hoover’ gang members at the bus stop were possibly armed and waiting for retaliation from Central District gangs,” the officer wrote.
The PI has also learned that the victim in Tuesday’s shooting, former Franklin High School basketball star Donnie Cheatham, was possibly linked to a shooting last month inside a First Hill nightclub:
Before Cheatham was shot, police were interested in speaking to him because he “potentially had information” related to the Nov. 23 shooting just after midnight at Vito’s Madison Grill, Assistant Police Chief Nick Metz told the P-I last week.
Where and when will this insanity come to an end?
“gang-claimed bus shelter at the same time”. Whose shelter? It is Metor’s shelter used by the tax paying public!!! If you accept this propaganda that it is a “gang-claimed bus shelter” then it is. To send this message to the community is to accept that it is a “gang-claimed bus shelter”. I do not live in a gang area and this shelter is a bus shelter NOT a “gang-claimed bus shelter”. If it is any less that public shelter the police are to REMOVE any problems ASAP. If not they are derlict in their duty as they have commited a breah of etics in carrying out their pudiciary responsibilites to the public, and the city will be sued!
If we accept “gang-claimed bus shelter” then we as the public have failed to hold those who work for us responsible! If the Police see any gang members on public property they are to arrest them, or else do not refer to them gang members. To call them gang members is to accuse them of known criminal activity.
And I was really beginning to enjoy all the wonder snow posts on this site!
I seem to recall the crack wars of the ’90’s came to an end after the city invested in programs that may have stemmed gang newbies, and the main perps were either dead or in jail. They came to an end in my n’hood after the local dealer died of emphysema. I expect the same this time around, but without the city’s investment – money, honey.
This is how my post should have read before I hit send by mistake.
“…Gang-claimed bus shelter at the same time”. Whose shelter? It is Metro’s shelter used by the tax paying public!!! If you accept this propaganda that it is a “gang-claimed bus shelter” then it is. To send this message to the community is to accept that it is a “gang-claimed bus shelter”. I do not live in a gang area and this shelter is a bus shelter NOT a “gang-claimed bus shelter”. If it is a public shelter the police are to REMOVE any problems ASAP. If they do not, they are derlict in their duty as they have commited a breach of ethics in carrying out their responsibilities to the public, and the city will be sued!
If we accept this as a Metro “gang-claimed bus shelter” then we as the public have failed to hold those who work for us responsible! If the Police see any gang members on public property they are to arrest them, or else do not refer to them gang members. To call them gang members is to accuse them of known criminal activity. You know they are criminals, do something!
And I was really beginning to enjoy all the wonder snow posts on this site!
EVERYONE with sn I.Q. greater than 40 has ‘Expected Gang Retaliations’ regarding all the gang related events in the central and southeast sectors. How nice for us that the cops are ‘expecting’.
Re known gang members: I don’t think gang membership per se is a criminal offense. Illegal actions are. The police have to have probable cause of specific criminal activity to make an arrest.
I know, I’m just a bit tired of those kind of articles in the newspaper when the diversion of gangsta wanna be’s to productive activity as noted above is what works. Plus, the Mayor’s patronage system is unlikely to actually get to and involve the kids, and is not necessarily going to LISTEN to what the kids need, Sigh. Just REALLY cynical.
I do think, however, that knowing who is a gang member and seeing a group around the outside of the community center, could have been reason to disperse the group. if there were more surveillance and patrols maybe.
I read the latest law I believe passed in the state of Washington on gang membership. Yes, it is a criminal offense.
Regardless, They know their criminals and there are lots of laws that can be applied. After constant arrests they do not come back. They know that they will be hasseled!
My Cousin Donnie Was Doing Something W/His Life And The Person Who Took His Sight Is A Bitch And Needs To Get What He Deserves !