The King County Medical Examiner has released the name of the victim who was killed in the shooting near Garfield on Halloween night.
He is Quincy Coleman, 15, of Seattle.
Although police have said repeatedly that no one involved in the shooting was connected to Garfield, his MySpace page says he was a student for the 2008-2009 school year. The school’s main office is currently closed, so we were unable to confirm whether he was actually enrolled or not.
You can also see from the comments on his MySpace page that there’s a lot of people who are grieving his loss.
Now for the hard part. People often get tied up in bad situations or do things that put themselves at risk. But no one ever deserves to be shot dead on a city street, no matter what they were involved in. And regardless of what this specific kid (only 15 years old!) may have been into, he had a family who loved him and misses him terribly.
But we always try to give all of you as many hard facts as possible, even if it’s difficult.
Police have already said that the two victims in the shooting “were known to police”. This is a common phrase that says they’ve had run-ins with them before. And as we listen to the scanner every day, there’s a lot of stuff that we censor. Things like exact addresses, license plates, and the occasional name that is broadcast.
I can confirm that this is a name we’ve heard more than once. Most recently we heard it last week in relation to this event. At the time I wrote a note based on the radio traffic that said “Quincy Coleman – known Deuce8, 28th & Jackson”.
Now that was a very minor event, and as far as we know he may have only been a recurrent pain for police, and not someone who’s ever done anything more serious. And this only confirms from what you can see when you look at his MySpace page: he was pretty well-involved in the local gang life.
But for me this is just more evidence that we’ve got to do more to help end this cycle of violence with these young kids in gangs. We mentioned the mayor’s Youth Violence Initiative back in September. That’s coming up for council discussion at the end of the week, and we’ll have a more detailed story about it in a couple of days. But I have a feeling that it is just barely a beginning of what is really needed to pull these kids out of this world where way too many have lost their lives in the last year.
Thank you addressing some of the hate statements.
Yes, the majority of the victims in these activities are the young gang members. Creating a safe environment would protect them too.
I guess really police only stated that none of the people involved in the incident were connected to any of the events that were going on at Garfield that night. They didn’t actually say he was not a student there.
Thank you for approaching this issue in such a balanced way. As a Garfield student who has heard so many thoughtless comments about his death, it’s nice to hear someone sympathetic to Quincy.
Thank you for the comment in your last paragraph about how ‘we’ve got to do more to help end this cycle of violence with these young kids in gangs.’ I believe that there is no point in challenging the police–we have to involve ourselves with the juvenile justice system, and whatever social service providers are acting on behalf of these youth. It is clear that the problem doesn’t stop with the cops. I am not sure about the mayor’s initiative, there needs to be manifested citizen concern.
Quincy was known more in his community for his gregarious nature and winning smile than for whatever is held in his criminal record. When describing someone’s life, please put it all in. He was a GOOD kid. I loved him.
No matter what you say QUINCY COLEMAN is OUR child he is a product of his environment good or bad. He is not a monster. Somewhere in his short life he was let down- children are in intrinsically good Quincy did not lay there dying all by his own doing he is accountable absolutely, but his life lead to this exact moment and time not by coincidence. AS A COMMUNITY AND SOCIETY WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO STOP THE VIOLENCE. THIS IS NOT A COLOR ISSUE THIS IS A 15 YR OLD CHILD DEAD FOR NOTHING. I DON’T CARE WHAT COLOR HE WAS …. HE IS HUMAN BEING FIRST AND HAD A RIGHT TO LIVE A LIFE OF LOVE, SECURITY , AND PEACE. RIP MY SWEET BROWN BROTHER.
“ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled or afraid”. John 14:27
fuck you all……you didn’t even know him.
Yeah ! All You Guy’s Got My Nigga Fucked Up!
You guy’s are so worried about wut quincy used to do,
didn’t wais no time finding out that he was in a gang ,
but still havent found his killer ! you guys need to get it together before somebody else finds the people that did this.
rip pj,donte,pete the sneak,and teddy,
Quincey I Wish I Could Just Give You One Lats Hug Good-bye.
I Love You Always To Forever And Never Come Back.
You Made Me Feel So Special With You,Your My Best Friend,Your The Only One Who Actually Got It So For That I Love YOu Forever.
No Matter What Were Always Best Friends,Ill See You Soon Some Day Again.
-Nana Barre
how come everytime people associate violence in the central district with the “deuce eights”? Is that the best u can do? so if all else fails, blame 28? get ur facts straight before u just put stuff out for the world to see. thats wats so good about the truth, u cant add from it or take anything from it. i noe many people who are from 28 or grew up there and they are upstanding members of the community. not everybody associated wit 28 or from 28 are bad people.
Quincy was a kid like everyone else . I Hate That The Media Makes Him Seem Like He Was A Rotten Kid. Which Wasn’t The Case . Yes, He Did His Dirt But What Person or Kid Hasn’t. Gangs Aren’t As Bad As Bad As People Think its Just Another Family And A Safe Haven . So For Those That Speak Down Upon Quincy You Dnt Even Know Him & Let Him Rest in Peace . Ily Baby Boy Watch Over Me !
While All You Guys Is STEADY Talking Bout How Bad He Was Yall Needa Get It Together, And Really Figured Out What Q Was About . He’s A Product Of His Environment , & Loved By MANY . Put THAT In The Reports.
I Love You Brother , I Miss You , <3
man the media is fucking retarted get to know someone before u say shit Q was cool i still think about him even though its been 2-3 years
Don’t worry q that coward is already shot…he is facing you now