hi all… new to this blog. let me introduce myself. my name is nicole and i am working towards opening a much needed pet supply and bakery at the corner of 17th and jackson in the new development going in.
would love to hear from anyone in the neighborhood about this!! what are your thoughts, hopes etc.
i am looking forward to creating a neighborhood hub where all the pet owners can get together.
i am very excited! tentative opening is in January 09.
wish me luck!
Hello Nicole! My name is Erica Porter. I work for CADA, the non profit developer that is building the mixed use project between 17th & 18th on S. Jackson St. In case you have not contacted anyone about leasing space, please check out our website, http://www.squireparkplaza.com, for leasing information. Gretchen Hamm is our commericial leasing agent, (206) 292-6158 or [email protected]. You can also contact me at [email protected] or (206) 328-6987. Good luck with your new business venture!
Would it be possible for you to have a couple of dog washing station in the pet supply area?
Dog washing would be excellent. I also would like to request that you carry canidae dog food and frozen small buffalo bones. If you have that…I will be in there regularly! Welcome to the neighborhood. One question–is the bakery for dogs? or people? or both?
Hi All,
Thanks for your comments. I am working with the leasing agent to get the doors open!
Unfortunately the space is to small for pet washing….
This is a bakery for pets!! All human grade ingredients. Yummy!
As for buffalo bones, let me look into that. Canidae has always been a favorite food of mine until they recently changed their formula. They did not alert their consumers that they were making some major changes to the formulas and there was no call out on the bags. There have been a lot of sick dogs with this new formula and some of my friends have turned to Evo on my suggestion. So, carrying their food is up in the air at this time. I will have about 7 brands of food.
Thanks and look forward to the grand opening in January!
The proposed mall at the Goodwill site is supposed to have a PetCo ro some such store. I hope you kick their butt!