A year ago today we were quietly writing software when we heard sirens, grabbed the video camera, and walked a couple of blocks to 23rd & Marion. There I found the remains of a stroller that had been hit as a mom pushed it across the street.
I got there before the TV news crews and ended up giving them our video of the scene. And although we didn’t have a site live yet, I asked as a condition that they mention centraldistrictnews.com when the video played.
So I rushed back to the office, crossed my fingers, and launched the first public beta version of our software. The brief mention on TV got us a whole 110 visitors on that first day. From then on, we tried to get into the habit of writing and gradually worked up to where we are today. Since then we’ve served 1.2 million pages, posted 869 stories, had 2,870 comments, and 2,741 scanner entries.
So thanks for everyone who has contributed to, commented on, and become readers of our little online community. (as Obama would say, this isn’t about us. It’s about YOU!)
Next Thursday we’re planning to celebrate with our first offline meeting. Join us next Thursday at 5:30pm at The Bottleneck to have a few drinks and get to know each other in the real world. We’d love to meet everyone, so please stop by!
Happy First Birthday CDNews. Not sure to be scared about the terrible twos coming up though…
I never realized the initial incident that prompted the site going live… sounds like kind of a terrible incident.
Thanks for providing such a relevant, useful and on-the-spot service to the community! Keep up the great work!
For many of us, CDNews has changed the face of the CD — well, given the CD a face, actually. We’ve gotten to know our neighbors and our neighborhood better than ever, if only electronically. It’s a great service. Thanks!
I love this website and the content – I read it a couple of times every day. If a neighbor hasn’t heard of it I try to make sure they check it out. Thanks so much for hosting/developing, and especially for the tireless effort of updating us all and giving us a forum for discussion…
I love the CDnews. I read it several times a day. If I ever moved to another neighborhood I would sorely miss the enlightening, sometimes humourous, but always informative reports. I appreciate the good news as much as the bad; I feel that being made aware of the crime in our neighborhood makes me feel safer. I know some people have had concerns about the scanner possibly shedding a negative light on our community, but honestly I think it helps bring issues to the forefront. I fear the unknown and this site helps make both good and bad things transparent. Here’s to many more anniversaries!
I’m so glad we have you CDNews! You’ve been a great addition to the neighborhood and I can’t help but check back several times a day.
Scott, cdguy and whoever else is involved with the CDNews on the backend, Thank you. Thank you very much!
happy bday cdnews!
Not sure it will be able to contain the CDN love! Congrats on the bday, boys. It’s fun to be part of the family and it’s cool to see the love spreading:
Yay for Neighborlogs!
Many more!
CDN has officially crushed Fantasy Football, CNN.com, FoxNews.com, SeattleTimes.com, and ESPN.com as my number one work productivity killer. I love this site. Keep up the good work and congrats!
Thanks so much – been an avid reader since you came online. Keep up the great work!
Definitely the best neighborhood site I’ve checked out
Many, many thanks for providing the site and for your online community stewardship efforts. The CD News is truly part of the fabric of this neighborhood.
May you have many more.
And I hope next time you provide video to TV, you charge ’em for it … Having long been the manager who had to give the assignment desk clearance to pay some stringer for some shot of something, it’s been funny to be on the other side of the transaction about five times this past year.
As avid readers of the CDNews, we’re truly honored to host the party. Thanks for thinking of us – and thanks for all you’ve done for our community. See you on Thursday!
(To the tune of “Happy Birthday to you”)Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday CDNews! Happy Birthday to you! AND MANY MORE!
I’ll drink a beer on your behalf, if you mention the Design Review hearing for 2051 E. Madison at the neighborhood meeting.
As the mom walking across the street, wanted all to know that we are healthy and happy. Scott, you have my e-mail address(please don’t post it) and I would be happy to give an update if you are interested. Thanks for all your time and work.
Looking forward to it!
See you Thursday.