Kery Murakami has a story in today’s PI about CASA Latina breaking ground on their new headquarters at 17th & Jackson. This follows an earlier signing of a good neighbor agreement between CASA Latina and the city.
It’s a move that hasn’t been without controversy since it was announced last year. While it gained the support of most community leaders on the Jackson Place Community Council, a group of citizens broke away and held a much-publicized meeting to try and organize public opposition to the project.
The main concern was that the area around the headquarters would become a version of the Home Depot parking lot, with day laborers hanging around waiting for people to pick them up for jobs. However, in the PI story Bill Bradburd says that the good neighbor agreement will keep things under control:
Bill Bradburd, chairman of the Jackson Place Community Council, acknowledged Monday that some residents still worry that laborers not affiliated with CASA Latina will show up at the new site, at 17th Avenue South and South Jackson Street. Bradburd and others, though, “are taking a wait-and-see attitude,” he said. Under the agreement, “it’s not good for CASA Latina, if there are problems.”
The first phase of construction will wrap up in January of next year, with a second building to follow in 2010.
We recently hired 4 guys through Casa Latina to help us with our move. They were were fabulous.
At the CASA Latina groundbreaking, speakers from the podium included Mayor Greg Nickels, King County Councilmembers Larry Gossett, Larry Phillips, and Dow Constantine, and Squire Park Community Council board president Tenaya Wright. She concluded her remarks, saying: “A strong community works together to celebrate differences and create common ground. This is CASA Latina’s work. … Our Central District, a community of diverse backgrounds and communities of color, we’re always striving to unify and support the success of our brothers and sisters.
Allowing CASA Latina to bring rich, deep culturally relevant programs and outreach to Jackson Street will uplift the work already being done to highlight the positive aspects the Central District history has to offer our great city of Seattle.”
It will be interesting to see the impact Casa and it’s day laborers make on the residents and businesses of the neighborhood. Take a drive down Western Avenue and that is exactly what will be here. 100s of undocumented illegal immigrants flagging down truck in an attempt to gain employment for the day paid in cash under the table and un taxed. Funny how it is our tax dollars that are paying to fund this new site?? How does that work??
Perhaps I’m biased, because I work at the jail, but I have the Casa Latina address memorized for one reason: a huge number of my inmate clients(including sex offenders) give it as their mailing address. Hiring folks to come in to your home without any knowledge of their criminal history is not something I’d do if you have children in your home.