Feet First who produces the “Neighborhoods on Foot” map series maps of Seattle’s neighborhoods has a just come out with one on the Central District. Most old timers know we are a “hole” and non-existant part of Seattle when you look at the various tourist maps, Chamber of Commerce maps, just about any maps showing Seattle’s neighborhoods. Now we finally have one and it is really well done. Sure there are a few things left out (like the North American African American Museum and a few other spots. But it is a great effort and a long time in coming. Pick one up today!!
Update: See John’s comment below for how you can get a copy of the map. We’ll also post a .pdf version on the site as soon as we can get one. -scott
Update x2: I’ve attached the maps below, or you can get them directly from Feet First.

Where do we get one?
Feet First is really happy to deliver this latest addition to our Neighborhoods on Foot map series. As an 11-year resident of the neighborhood, I am amazed at the many, many historical and cultural treasures in the CD, and I hope that this map does a good job of capturing how easy it is to walk around our great neighborhood.
We’re working to get our map distribution points set up. In the meanwhile, please feel free to call our office, 652-2310, and ask for Ellie. You can also e-mail her at ellie at feetfirst.info
John Stewart
Board President, Feet First
I helped work on the content of this map as a part of my involvement with Leadership Tomorrow, helping to organize several focus group meetings in the neighborhood. I’m so glad to see it finally done! Looks great.
People may know about this already, but there is an EXCELLENT guide to the Central District and other parts of Seattle written a few years ago by Esther Mumford (author Seattle’s Black Victorians) called Calabash. It focuses on sites of historical interest to Black residents, and goes down streets building by building. Also, Historic Jewish Seattle, by Meta Buttnick and Jane A. Avner, does similar for Jewish historical sites in our neighborhood. These are, naturally, available in the library…
I heard Esther talk about the book at the Urban League shortly after it was released, and I own a copy. It’s a great resource and really fascinating work.
If you would like a map, or have questions regarding it, please ask for Seth instead of Ellie. My email is [email protected]
Seth Schromen-Wawrin
Active Communities Program Director, Feet First
also, check out the text side of the map
The printable version here is great, but the brochure is larger and a better quality and will be available at the Squire Park Community Council’s meeting and event.