The weather this weekend looks gorgeous, so make sure to get out and enjoy it. Here’s what’s happening around the hood:
Friday is the first day of the Mad-Mad Farmer’s Market for the 2008 season. Take a stroll with your dog or leash-compatible cat and pick up some fresh produce over at the Grocery Outlet parking lot at MLK & Union.
Tired of the trash? Livid about the litter? Do something to help out by hooking up with the MaDCAP neighborhood cleanup. Andrew and his crew will be meeting at 10am at 1818 20th and will help spruce up the area around Madison.
After the cleanup, head over to the Garfield Community Center at 23rd & Cherry to check out the Central Area Community Safety Forum. They’ll have all sorts of info on blockwatches, personal safety, and how to be prepared for all sorts of things such as natural disasters.
On Sunday, how about a nice stroll through the neighborhood and over the hill to see the new improvements at Madrona park. It’s a beautiful walk, and a good workout. (there’s a good escape valve if you’re too tired once you get there – just hop on the #2 bus for an easy ride back up the hill). The best route is to make your way to E. Columbia street and head east from there. You’ll go up into Madrona, then down towards the water where you’ll eventually hit Madrona Woods. Follow the nice trail down through the woods and it will spit you out at the park. Check out the new salmon stream, sit on the beach and enjoy the sun and water, and maybe kick it in the grass for a while.
Update: Just got word of another event in Madrona. Load up the kids and their bikes & trikes to participate in the Madrona Mayfair on 34th. Everyone can deck out their people-powered rides and participate in the parade up 34th, and then have pony rides, bouncy fun, clowns, and more at Madrona Playfield.
Have fun!
too bad won’t be attending. wine tasting is rough, but what a great weekend for the CD/MadMad