During May 28th Town Hall meeting at Roosevlet High School with Larry Gossett regarding transportation it became clear that many changes and additions to bus routes and some to ferry routes will be considered during the next year. The next few months is the window of opportunity to comment with some hope of having a direct affect on mass transit plans. The 520 bridge and service to the light rail stations are also under consideration.
King County Council members are very important members of the Metro Board which oversees all bus routes, light rail, and West Seattle Ferry issues but has little say in the tracked street car plans. However, all the various forms of transportation compete for resources, dollars and street space.
Since the Town Hall meeting on May 28 was targeted mainly toward North East Seattle and Montlake (although I was welcome and my comments noted), it would behove others to contact both the offices of Larry Gossett and Larry Phillips regarding transportation concerns. A Town Hall meeting here where residents could share ideas and concerns with each other and the Council members would be productive and interesting to all.
In the meantime, to advocate for either your issues or a Townhall Meeting regarding Metro contact information for both Council members is below along with the contact information for the planner who was available at the May 28th meeting and the link to Metro in general:
Larry Gossett
Council District 2
516 Third Ave., Rm. 1200
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-296-1002
Toll Free: 800-325-6165
TTY/TDD: 206-296-1024
Fax: 206-296-0198
Larry Phillips
Council District 4
516 Third Ave., Rm. 1200
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-296-1004
Toll Free: 800-325-6165
TTY/TDD: 206-296-1024
Fax: 206-296-0198
Michelle Clark, Legislative Aide at (206) 296-0344 or [email protected].
Name: Jack Lattemann
Title: Transportation Planner IV
Group: DOT/Transit/SD – Service Planning
Email: [email protected]
Mail Stop: KSC-TR-0422
Primary Phone: 206-684-6764
Fax: 206-684-1860
Reports To: David Hull
Primary Location: King Street Center
201 S Jackson St Rm 422
Seattle , WA 98104-3856
Web Link: http://www.metrokc.gov/kcdot