By Adrienne W. Bailey
Where do you live? When you are asked this question, what do you say? What comes to mind first for you, your neighborhood or the community? The Central Area is a community of many unique neighborhoods, Madison Valley, Madrona, Leschi, Squire Park, Judkins, just to name a few. These and the various other neighborhoods are what makes the Central Area such a unique community. I am not saying, not to have pride in your neighborhood, just to simply have greater pride and concern for our Community of neighborhoods.
In the past when we were asked this question, we would say with pride, the Central Area or the CD. That pride in living in the Central Area, went beyond our residing in a particular neighborhood, it was our life experiences, our everyday existence, our world was the whole Central Area Community. In other words the neighborhood we resided in was secondary. Now, it has been observed when current residents are asked this same question, they say their neighborhood. Quite often the only time the Central Area is mentioned is when they are pressed as to what Community this neighborhood is a part of in Seattle. This trend of distancing ones self from the Central Area Community for the sake of their neighborhood, only weakens our Community. Thus, our ability to work together for all of our greater good of our Community.
Which bring us once again to the Central Area Neighborhood Plan and the importance of Community. We cannot afford this myopic thinking and behavior of my neighborhood first, foremost and only. With all the activity surrounding Neighborhood Planning it is imperative that all people of all the neighborhoods of the Central Area get involved with the Central Area Neighborhood Plan Stewardship.
What needs to be understood for example is that decisions involving land use codes, construction, developments and housing being made in one part of the Central Area will more than likely have if not a direct impact on other neighborhoods of the Central Area at least a residual one (see â??Central Area Neighborhood Plan (CANP) Updating Land-Use, Open Space and Housing Committeeâ??). This will affect the character of our neighborhoods, traffic impact and accumulatively flow, parking, safety and yes, the overall quality of life would be impacted.
Furthermore, in light of the most recent shooting(s), the violent loss of our young people and every ones general concerns regarding safety in our community, The Central Area Neighborhood Plan Stewardship will be having a Community Safety Forum. So mark your calendar for May 17th, 10am – 2pm at Garfield Community Center, 2323 East Cherry St (corner of 23rd & Cherry). This forum is intent to be very informative on issues like: Block Watches, Community safety activities and Emergency Preparedness. There is still time for your input, participation and we are also in need of volunteers the day of this event.
For further information contact Adrienne Bailey [email protected]. The Central Area Neighborhood Plan Stewardship meets the first Thursday of the month 6:00pm at Garfield Community Center, 2323 East Cherry St (corner of 23rd & Cherry).
Pardon me if I missed it in the several posts on the Neighborhood Stewardship Plan, but wanted to confirm when the NEXT scheduled meeting is? Posts say first Thursday of the month, so I assumes that means the next meeting is Thursday April 3rd at 6:00pm at Garfield Community Center, correct? I guess I haven’t seen past postings on this and wasn’t aware there was a standing meeting already in existence. I am interested in getting involved and hopefully can make the next meeting.
I received an email that the location is changed for this time only. It is still Thursday, April 3, at 6 pm, but the location is the Madrona Playfield Shelterhouse at 3211 E Spring St. It faces 34th Ave. and is one block south of East Union. Adrienne, do you want to confirm this for everybody who’s not on your email list?