From Friday March 14th:
10:14am – 819 E. Pike – Shoplifting – Phones stolen from AT&T store. (2nd day in a row). Suspects left eastbound in a black range rover. Black male, 20s black jacket & jeans. Black male, 19, 6′ tall, bright blue & white jacket.
10:25am – 1101 Boylston – Theft of money – Caller says his girlfriend was walking up to put cash into a parking lot pay box when a woman ran up and grabbed the cash out of her hand. The victim is now chasing the suspect eastbound on Seneca towards Swedish. Suspect is a tall black female, 45, with glasses.
11:06am – 800 block Denny Way – Domestic Violence/Assault – Female caller says her ex-boyfriend just punched her in the face. He left in a dark gray town & country van with his 3 children on board, possibly in route to shoreline. Black male, 27.
11:28am – 1401 Broadway – Adult male in custody for shoplifting
11:59am – 1110 23rd Ave – Narcotics Activity – Near Dollar Store – 6 males smoking weed. Black males, 20s
1:04pm – Medic unit is requesting that officers meet them at Harborview regarding a drug overdose patient currently en route from the up north, where she walked into the Northgate fire station for help.
1:28pm – 1600 block of Alder – Two felons were sought in a house on this block. It’s unclear why. One of the two is in custody, and they’ve got information that the 2nd is in the house. Several units are on the scene, and they’re trying to decide how to get the other one out in the most peaceful way possible and without risking anything from the two dogs that are in the house. Update: 2:07pm – Officers are now going in to get the 2nd individual. Update x2: 2:14pm – A locked door has temporary halted progress in the arrest. Update x3: 2:31pm – Things got underway again, two taken into custody. (note: we held off on publishing this until the operation was over)
1:38pm – 12th & Spruce – Police have taken someone into custody for unknown reasons. There was a big of a scuffle with the cops, with some out-of-breath reports that they were “wrestling around” with the suspect.
2:09pm – 27th & Spring – Cement Damage – 3 black males, 20-30, appear to be writing something in freshly poured concrete
2:27pm – 1700 17th Ave – 2 subjects were in the lobby refusing to leave. Known to cause problems. Now they’re in an apartment and the manager wants them thrown out and trespassed. White female, black male, 45,
2:46pm – 1600 Alder – This block seems to have some issues today. Police just took an additional person into custody on a warrant arrest, unrelated to the previous activity.
3:04pm – 23rd & Cherry – Shoplifter -Chronic shoplifter is in the AM/PM, and they’re requesting he be removed and trespassed from the store. Black male, late 20s, stylish pink jacket, sweatpants
3:19pm – Seattle U -Security officers are with a black male transient who’s in the library shouting and refusing to leave. sssshhh!
3:51pm – 1420 5th Ave – Bank Robbery – Bank of Scotland – 32nd Floor (ballsy!) – Suspect last seen on 5th Ave, no information on whether a weapon was seen or implied
4:10pm – 14th & Fir – Vehicle vs. Moped accident – Unknown injuries
4:39pm – 401 Broadway E. – Security wants police to remove a man who refuses to leave from the 2nd floor of the Broadway Market. He’s previously been trespassed from the property and has been making sexual remarks to shop owners. Black male, 30s, black jacket, beige pants
I really like that they called it “Cement Damage” and that somebody called 911 for people writing in wet cement.
2nd favorite: Bank robbery on the 32nd floor. This guy thinks outside the box!