Community Post

25th & Spring P-Patch Gets Started

When I first moved to Seattle way back in the 90’s, I got to add a slew of new words to my vocabulary: “sun breaks”, “vente”, “right on”, and “p-patch”. And that last one has been one of the more frequently requested amenities among residents here in the CD. It makes sense why – Seattleites like living in a bigish city but still need access to the great outdoors. And with our small to nonexistent backyards, P-patches give us a chance to step away from our computers and get out and do something productive with real dirt, plants, and produce.

Back around New Years we told you about a well-organized group of neighbors who were raising money to turn a vacant lot at 25th & Spring into a neighborhood garden. They met their fundraising goal of $3000 and won a grant from the city to buy the lot and turn it into a p-patch.

Now with the weather turning nice, they’re beginning to get things underway, starting with clearing the lot of all the weeds that currently occupy the space. It’s a big job and they’ll need a lot of help to get things cleaned up, so if you live in the area and want to get involved, subscribe to their email list at [email protected] (see comment #3 below for precise instructions). They’ll be organizing some weekend work parties with all the necessary tools provided by the city. It should be a good way to get out of the house, meet some neighbors, and help build a new amenity for the community.

0 thoughts on “25th & Spring P-Patch Gets Started

  1. Maybe the city can help provide some goats, or funding for the goats to help clear that land. Let the ruminants do the job mother nature intended them to do!
    Here is a PI article from last June on people using goats to clear land that has been over taken by weeds and other invasive plant life.

  2. I tried sending a ‘subscribe’ note to the email address listed and didn’t get a response. Is that a manually managed list?

    I’m really interested in helping out when I can as this is just a few blocks from me.

  3. Sorry, Nic and anyone else.

    If you want to subscribe to the list, try mailing

    [email protected]

    with message body

    subscribe springstreetppatch

    Message needs to be plain text.

    If you have any problems, e-mail me direct ([email protected]) and I’ll get you set up.