From Tuesday 2/26:
8:55am – 5511 22nd NW – Silent hold-up alarm at WAMU branch
9:11am – Harborview staff chasing after an injured patient in hospital gowns – headed south on Broadway from Spruce
9:17am – Getting repeated 911 calls from a child screaming and crying on a cell phone in the vicinity of 24th & Jackson. Update: 2500 S. King is latest location, and child is estimated 5 years old and female.
10:08am – 500 block 28th Ave S – Theft – A gray Ford truck Focus marked stolen from Tukwila just drove off southbound with someone’s recycling container. Not sure how they managed to fit a recycling container into a ford focus.
10:36am – MLK & Weller – Officer following the stolen gray Ford Focus from Tukwila, occupied by one black male. There was another report earlier this morning of someone trying to sell the same car in the Goodwill parking lot. The driver hopped onto I-90 eastbound with police following. State patrol and Mercer Island PD alerted. The car was pulled over by SPD on Mercer Island, one two taken into custody. The second occupant (female) must have been hiding, as they weren’t seen before the stop.
10:53am – Goodwill – Someone trying to sell a turquoise Saturn in the parking lot of Goodwill. The car is marked stolen from Tacoma. No sign of it when an officer drove through the lot.
12:03pm – 1103 15th Ave – Patient caused damage at mental-health halfway house
12:58pm – 14th & Ward (South side of Volunteer Park) – Black male seen going through the gate for a yard that didn’t belong to him. Police doing an area-check for the suspect and/or any signs of a break-in. Update: Basement door found unlocked on one house in the area. Police are going to check inside. The house checked out clear.
12:59pm – 100 block of Broadway – A “very confused” female is calling about her landlord who is threatening to put her things out on the street.
1:35pm – 800 block 28th Ave S – Fight Disturbance – 2 black males fighting in the middle of an intersection. No weapons seen.
2:35pm – 23rd & Yesler – Another call from the child on the cell phone. Refuses or is unable to provide exact location. This time the computer says he’s near 23rd & Yesler.
2:36pm – 2400 S. Jackson – Narcotics activity – Man smoking drugs outside Walgreens, refuses to move along. White male, late 50s, green knit cap, green coat. He took off running eastbound on Jackson when police arrived. Lost sight of him when he turned north on 25th. Another unit caught up to him at 24th & Main. He says he was just smoking a cigarette.
3:04pm – Harborview – Sexual assault – Harborview psych unit staff member reported an assault that occurred earlier today. The suspect has been locked into a separate room pending police arrival.
4:04pm – 23rd & Jackson – Fight Disturbance – Three juvenile adult black males, mid 20s, seen assaulting another one. No weapons seen. On the SE corner of the intersection by the bus stop. Another call says there’s a black Hummer associated, that some of the juveniles got out of. Victim left in a dark blue jeep, northbound on 23rd. Police arrive about 4 minutes later to find none of the involved parties in the area.
4:10pm – 23rd & Jackson – Suspicious Circumstance – Black male, 20s, was on a bus talking oddly about someone else, harrassing juveniles on the bus. Took gray shirt off and showed a bullet proof vest underneath.
4:40pm – 23rd & Cherry – Disturbance – Female complainant is arguing with the clerk at the AM/PM. She refused to give any further information about the nature of the dispute. We’re wondering why anyone would bother calling 911 if you don’t want to tell them what the problem is.
4:44pm – 28th & Jackson – Narcotics Activity – Young black males keep approaching vehicles at Flo Ware Park, appear to be selling drugs.