Here’s another week of planning notices from the city:
1. At 517 23rd Ave, just a couple doors north of Ezell’s, there’s a boarded-up house that will be demolished, replaced with two single-family residences. The city is accepting public comments on the application to subdivide the property.
2. There’s a big improvement scheduled for the NW corner of 12th and Fir, where a corner auto-shop/junk-yard will be replaced with a 6-story mixed-use building with ground floor retail and an unspecified number of residential units. Plus, room for 20(!) vehicles in the structure. And as an added bonus, it looks like tit will require removal of one of the few remaining billboards in the neighborhood. If you want more info, there will be a design review meeting held at 8pm on Wednesday 1/16, in Seattle Central Community College Room 3211.
3. There’s a group of townhouses that are nearing completion at 315 27th Ave S, just north of Jackson, and the builder has been granted permission to subdivide the property into four separate lots.