On September 29th, the downtown Ride Free Area will be eliminated. This means longer delays, more congestion, hurting downtown businesses, and stranding low income riders. It’s an all-around terrible decision – that’s what happens when political maneuvering substitutes for transparent public process.
The Transit Riders Union is asking the County Council to reconsider their decision to eliminate the RFA. Visit http://transitriders.org to learn more and to send an email petition letter to our County Council members and County Executive Dow Constantine (direct link to petition: http://transitriders.org/rfa_petition/).
Want to learn more? The Transit Riders Union is holding a public meeting and workshop on the Ride Free Area:
Tuesday, September 4th, 6pm
Capitol Hill Public Library meeting room*
425 Harvard Avenue East
(served by Metro routes 8, 60, 49, 10, 11)
*This event is not sponsored by the Seattle Public Library.