Seattle Central Little League – Youth Baseball & Softball

Believe it or not, Spring is right around the corner.  So grab your gloves and get ready for the upcoming season of Seattle Central Little League! Sign up is starting NOW.  All applications MUST be received by February 28.

Register on-line through

Or get a registration packet by:

1.     Downloading one at,

2.     Calling 706-2648 or e-mailing [email protected] to have one sent to you,

3.     Picking up a copy of the registration form at local community centers or your neighborhood school.

Tell all your friends, send in a registration and come out to play!

If you’re an adult and would like to help coach, please let us know.   

(SCLL boundaries are from I-90 north to the Ship Canal and from downtown to Lake Washington.)

Free Seattle trees

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ (DoN) Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) is currently accepting applications for this year’s Tree Fund. All it takes is organizing a group of your neighbors to plant street trees in your neighborhood together. You put in the volunteer time; DoN provides the trees!

Wait, there’s more! To increase local food security and expand the tree canopy on private properties, we are testing a pilot expansion this year. All NMF Tree Fund participants who plant street trees with their neighbors have the bonus option of selecting one free cherry or apple tree to plant on their private properties. You can help bring more trees to Seattle’s streets and private yards!

For more information on the Tree Fund and to download an application, visit the city’s website at: But act soon! DoN is accepting applications through August 21.


Boys and Girls (age 5-16) – grab your gloves and get ready for the upcoming season of Seattle Central Little League! Sign up is starting NOW all applications MUST be received by February 28. You can get registration packets by:

1. Downloading an application:,
2. Calling 706-2648 or e-mailing [email protected] to have one sent to you,
3. Picking up a copy of the registration form at local community centers or your neighborhood school.

So tell all your friends, send in a registration and come out to play!

(SCLL boundaries are from I-90 north to the Ship Canal and from downtown to Lake Washington.)


Boys and Girls – grab your gloves and get ready for the upcoming season of Seattle Central Little League! Sign up is starting NOW all applications MUST be received by February 29. You can get registration packets by:

1. Downloading an application:,
2. Calling 706-2648 or e-mailing [email protected] to have one sent to you,
3. Picking up a copy of the registration form at local community centers or your neighborhood school.

So tell all your friends, send in a registration and come out to play!

(SCLL boundaries are from I-90 north to the Ship Canal and from downtown to Lake Washington.)