Witnesses to Boyer E/25th Ave E bike/car accident 4/16 12:20p?

All –

Just throwing this out on the chance that someone was in area at 25th Ave/ Boyer E near the Montlake Neighborhood at 12:20p on Sat 4/16.  I was the biker – my bike was hit by the driver of the Gray Audi(?) SUV.  We exchanged words, then I was beat up as a result.  Cops refused to issue citation or assault arrest, and instead classified  it as a disturbance. 

If anyone was there  knows someone who was – and could corroborate the facts about the order of events so I can press charges, I would greatly appreciate it. 

To others who read – if a bicyclist asks you to back off  – with a signal, a look, or a gesture  – please do it.  He or she feels unsafe about the way you are driving.  And we’ll all get to where you are going faster and safer. 


[email protected]