Sick of all of the commercial hype around Valentines Day? How about the pressure of planning the perfect romantic event? Show your love for Frink Park and get your heart pumping on Saturday, February 12th. We will help to restore the park by removing invasive plants, and planting trees in the forest, and then head to the BluWater Bistro to get an early start on happy hour. Volunteering is a great way to spend time with your sweetheart/loved ones, or maybe meet someone new, working together to make the world a better place. What could be more romantic than that?
This event is singles, couples, friend and family-friendly. Tools, gloves, and snacks provided. We will play a compilation of love songs requested by registered volunteers.
Saturday, February 12th, 12pm to 3pm. Frink Park. You can park near the tennis courts at 300 Lake Washington Blvd South. Look for Green Seattle signs across the street.
Please register at www.greenseattle.org.