Door-to-door scammer!

A man just came to my door saying he was gay and that he and his boyfriend had just moved in across the street.  He said he worked at the Bailey Boushay House and he had locked himself out of his house and that the locksmith wanted $45 and he only had $42 and did I have $3.  I had only $1 which I gave him, his face fell and he took off.  He had been quite chatty up until he saw I only had $1.

I Googled around looking for similar stories as there have been break-ins in the area recently and there were two police officers outside my neighbors’ house this morning, discussing the fact that one of their windows was open.  I assume the neighbors had been burgled recently.

Here’s a link to a post on the  Roosevelt Neighborhood Blog about this man:

He was about 5’8″, black, skinny (maybe 150 lbs), was missing a number of front teeth, and looked to be about 50.