ALL ARE WELCOME to Work-it-Out Seattle’s Volunteer Appreciation and Community Open House on April 19 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. We’ll celebrate the work that has been accomplished at the Horace Mann Public Schoolhouse, thank volunteers and give community members a chance to learn about the Work-it-Out project, which will serve youth ages 16-21, giving them a chance to develop skills that can save them from poverty and homelessness.
Along with free goodie bags for volunteers, we will be serving delicious hors d’eouvres and beverages for all, and conducting tours of the facility to showcase all the stunning changes that have happened at this century-old schoolhouse.
6:30 PM – Doors Open; Hors d’eouvres and Beverages served
7:15 PM – Welcome and Volunteer Acknowledgments
7:45 PM – Self-guided Tours, Sign-Up Opportunities
RSVP @ http://on.fb.me/WIOSeattle
For more information on the Work-it-Out program, please visit our website at http://workitoutseattle.org/
* This is a free event and parking is available behind the school, inside the gated area. Enter off of E. Columbia St.