A New Ethiopian Congregation


 Following the initiative begun last year to partner with a group of Ethiopian Christians exploring the establishment of a new congregation, the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd welcomed members of Christ the Son of God Lutheran Church at their regular June 2 service.  With readings, songs and the sermon in English and Amharic, the bilingual service celebrated the extension of the mission of Good Shepherd in the formation of Christ the Son of God as Beniam Habthemariam, preacher of the day, was installed as a Deacon who will oversee the new congregation.  Habthemariam has led Amharic services at the church for the past several weeks.  During the summer the new congregation will move to its new home at 1721 South Forest Street (the former site of Beacon Lutheran Church.)  Habthemariam, his wife, Mekdes Habthemariam, and William Johnson were also welcomed as new members of Good Shepherd during the service.  A get-acquainted luncheon of Ethiopian food followed in the church fellowship hall.

This year Good Shepherd, which was founded in 1951, marks 50 years of worship in its present building.  As the last stop of the June 1 Central District Hopscotch Day event it offered tours of the church.  A flea market to support the Central District Art Project was held in the church parking lot.  The church will hold Vacation Bible School June 24-28.  Everyone is invited.