Lost Pug

My neighbor’s Pug wandered off tonight from her backyard.  She is 14 years old and hard of hearing and seeing.  She wandered off from approximately 19th and Yesler.  She aswers to the name (if she can hear you). 

Please call me if you find this dog.  206-601-9344

Summer bike league

The cascade bicycle club is sponsoring a summer bike league, similar to the “bike to work challenge” that took place during the month of May. This one, however, lets a cyclist record all miles logged by bicycle, including errands outside of work. The “teams” are by neighborhood. I am a dedicated cycle commuter from the CD and see lots of others biking past my house daily. Sign up here if you’re interested.


Found on 19th-keys

I found a set of keys on 19th when I was running. If you’re missing keys, please call me at 206-601-9344, describe them, and if they’re yours, I’ll get them back to you!