Finding Kind -new feature film screening

The Hamlin Robinson School is pleased to partner with Seattle Girls’ School and Lake Washington Girls Middle School to present Finding Kind, a documentary on bullying. Finding Kind is a compelling new feature film and movement, based upon the powerful belief in KINDness, that brings awareness and healing to the negative and lasting effects of girl-against-girl bullying.

Already creating buzz at film festivals and schools across the country, Finding Kind documents the 10,000-mile cross-country journey of Lauren Parsekian and Molly Thompson, two first time filmmakers who were both teen victims of “mean girls.”

Get your tickets here: 

Tickets are $10 preorder, $15 at the door. Clock hours available for educators.  


7:00 pm


1700 E. Union

Seattle, 98122

HBO Film!3{3}’Journey into Dyslexia’ Screening

Tuesday, May 24 6:30pm

Hamlin Robinson School  (TT Minor Building)

1700 E Union, Seattle 98122

Join us for a screening of the Journey into Dyslexia, a brand new film in partnership with IDA, HBO and the Oscar®-winning filmmakers Alan and Susan Raymond.

The film features profiles of dyslexic students and adults who share their experiences of struggling in school and then succeeding in life. Each share their frustration with being misunderstood by teachers and friends and the emotional impact this learning disability had on their lives. Journey Into Dyslexia reveals that many adult professionals who once struggled to learn in school consider their dyslexia a unique gift and the defining reason behind their success.

The journeys into dyslexia are told by students ranging from 2nd grade to college plus entrepreneur Steve Walker of New England Pellet, inventor Ben Foss of Intel, author Jonathan Mooney, consumer advocate Erin Brockovitch and Nobel Laureate Dr. Carol Greider. Dr. Guinevere Eden, Director of Child Development at Georgetown University, explains the causes of dyslexia. Other experts include Dr. Mary Anne Wolf, author of Proust and the Squid, who describes the difficulty of learning to read for everyone.


Open to the whole community. Panel discussion to follow film presentation.

Presentation made possible by:
Washington Branch of the International Dyslexia Association
Hamlin Robinson School
Slingerland Institute for Literacy
Wired for Reading
Read On

3 clock hours available for educators.

Race To Nowhere Movie Screening and Panel Discussion

Tuesday May 17: Race to Nowhere Screening


Hamlin Robinson School 1700 East Union (enter through doors off back lot – 17th & Pike)

This film has been getting lots of positive reviews and community excitement. It features the heartbreaking realities of young people across the country who have been pushed to the brink, educators who are burned out and worried that students aren’t developing the skills they need, and parents who are trying to do what’s best for their kids.

This Provocative film is sponsored by the Hamlin Robinson School and the Seattle Girls School both schools are independent schools located in the neighborhood.  

Following the film, there will be a panel discussion.   For teachers, clock hours will be available.

Tickets are avail on-line: 

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Family Story Time at Hamlin Robinson School


Free, open to the public and aimed at families with pre-kindergarten children, guest reader and
City Councilmember Jean Godden helps kick off this weekly series


SEATTLE—Jan. 5, 2011–Hamlin Robinson School, which relocated this school year into the former home of TT Minor Elementary at 1700 E. Union Street, extends its resources to families and caregivers of young children in the community with its new Friday Family Story Hour. The first event, featuring guest reader and City Councilmember Jean Godden, will be held Jan. 21, 2-3 p.m. at the School’s Library.


“Story Hour can provide new learners kindergarten readiness skills that encompass physical, social and emotional learning, cognition, language and literacy,” Joan Beauregard said, Interim Head at Hamlin Robinson School.  “Its engaging and family-oriented format includes storytelling that uses flannel boards, drama, music, and the vitality of storytellers and our talented librarian, Kris Dersch.”


The event also serves as a “thank you” from the School for the warm welcome it received from neighbors. Hamlin Robinson School staff aim to make story time accessible for small children (mainly ages two to five) and their parents/caregivers who reside in the Central District and Capitol Hill neighborhoods. Story Hour fosters community, relieves parent isolation, and promises to be fun. It also appeals to many styles of learning—a philosophy the School embodies in serving those with dyslexia and related language difficulties.


Subsequent story hours will be held Friday mornings from 9:30 to10:30 a.m., including Jan 28, Feb. 4, 11, and 18. For further information, please contact 206-763-1167.


The Hamlin Robinson School is an independent K-8 school in Seattle offering a specialized program specifically for students with dyslexia and related language difficulties. The school is affiliated with the International Dyslexia Association, the National Association of Independent Schools, the Pacific Northwest Association of Independent Schools, and the Washington Federation of Independent Schools. Contact the Hamlin Robinson School at 206-763-1167 or visit Follow Hamlin Robinson School on Facebook