Lost grey striped cat

photoMy 3 year old rescue kitty, Si, escaped either last night or this morning. Her home is on 27th between Union and Spring and she must have gotten out the back door. She’s chipped, but not tagged. If you spot her, please call me at 206-618-2757. Her brother Pablo and I are both worried and sad without her.  She’s grey and striped and fairly small. She’s also very friendly so unless she’s scared (which she might be) she’ll probably be happy to let you pet her. She’s supposed to be an indoor only kitty and this is the first time she’s escaped.

In the photo, she’s on the right (that’s her brother Pablo on the left.)

Did your German Shepherd escape

At approximately 11 AM I saw a loose German Shepherd run north through the alley between 27th and MLK from Spring to Union. It was running pretty fast but appeared to have a collar. I hope it finds its way home!