Urban Infill Workshop for High School Students: 23rd and Jackson

In this workshop we will visit the intersection of 23rd Avenue and Jackson Street, discuss the neighborhood, its scale and traffic patterns as well as develop an understanding of what the residents would like to see for the area. We will also discuss how we can incorporate green living/working spaces into a design and ways to introduce the users to inexpensive and easy recycling/green alternatives. These ideas will be developed and presented to the community and the Mayor’s Office.

This will be an opportunity to understand the process of urban planning and the role of an architect within that process.


We will be working in a studio environment, sketching and building models to share our ideas.


Class times: Saturday’s on September 22nd, September 29th, October 6th and October 13th from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.


There will be a community meeting in mid-September and a meeting with the Mayor’s office. Both dates will be determined in August.


Location: Historic Washington Hall.


Fee: $165 and includes all materials.


See http://architect101.wordpress.com/ for additional information.

“What Architects Do” Workshop for High School Students

These Saturday sessions will describe what architects do, the opportunities that there are upon completion of a degree in architecture, the education of an architect, architecture schools and the development of a portfolio for review by an admissions committee.


These are two hour sessions from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.


Dates: October 18th or October 25th.


Location: Historic Washington Hall.


Fee: $25


See http://architect101.wordpress.com/ for additional information.

Architecture 101 Summer Workshops for grades 5 through high school

These workshops provide a place to learn, create and enjoy the process. Each class is taught in a studio environment where information on a specific topic is provided and discussed. Then, that information is synthesized and a solution to a specific design challenge is created by the student.

The most important goal is to have fun while learning and creating.

There is still space available in selected classes, see: http://archforkids.blogspot.com/.

Summer Architecture Workshops for Grades 5-12


These workshops provide a place to learn, create and enjoy the process. Each class is taught in a studio environment where information on a specific topic is provided and discussed. Then, that information is synthesized and a solution to a specific design challenge is created by the student.


The most important goal is to have fun while learning and creating.


For more information, go to http://archforkids.blogspot.com/.


Space is still available.

Architecture 101 Summer Workshops for Students of All Ages


This is a time to learn, think, create and enjoy the process. Each class is taught in a studio environment where information on a specific topic is provided and discussed. Then, that information is synthesized and a solution to a specific design challenge is created by the student. Some of the areas of exploration that are covered during these class sessions are: Space Stations, Egyptian Architecture, Renaissance Architecture, Amusement Parks and Monuments.

For information on all workshop offerings, check out the Architecture 101 website, http://archforkids.blogspot.com/.