On Saturday, May 30th, we are having a community clean-up in the Squire Park neighborhood from E Jefferson to Yesler and 10th to 23rd Ave.
We will be picking up litter, hopefully helping out SDOT with some projects, and assisting community members in their own beautification projects.
While we believe it’s a great thing to come together and clean up the neighborhood, that is secondary to giving us all the opportunity to get to know our community and our neighbors better.After the morning clean-up we’ll be putting on a bbq for us to celebrate our the hard work we put into the day and have fellowship with one another.
This project is sponsored by the North King County Washington Reading Corps members of Solid Ground & Small Sparks with the Department of Neighborhoods with donations from a number of local businesses.
Wondering how to get involved?
Find us on facebook and confirm your attendance to the event.
Search: commUNITYclean under events
e-mail us: [email protected]
call: 206-957-4779×105
VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN: 8am-9am meeting at Orca Park (14th & Remmington Ct, near Alder)
Do you want help in your garden/yard? Do you have an old tv or computer monitor you’ve been dying to get rid of but haven’t found the time?
We can help with both of those. E-mail or call with the location and we’ll send volunteers to assist you!