Help Preschool Kids Win $5,000 for Central District’s First Place School

Last week, a classroom of 3 year old preschoolers entered a charity contest put on by Verity Credit Union. The contest, Cartwheel for a Cause, required a 60 second video describing a worthy charity and also had to feature a “cartwheel or something resembling a cartwheel”. The preschoolers made a video in honor of the First Place School in the Central District. It was a fantastic project though which the preschoolers learned service, community and empathy for others.

The contest is based on the participation of voters. We really need your help! Please vote for this Central Districh non-profit by following these 3 easy steps:

1) go to
2) look at the right side of the page for the “ballot”
3) vote for video #20 (Bonnie Levin)

Only one vote per valid email is necessary. Voting closes on March 2nd, so please help by voting and getting the word out to others!

PLEASE help! These little guys worked really hard on this project and it’d be so wonderful for them to see it through to the donation phase.