As part of its mission to strengthen American giving to Africa, the African Women’s Development Fund US (AWDF USA) and the local organizing committee invite you to attend the first Africa Donors Forum on October 25th from 4 to 8 p.m.. The PNW Global Donors Conference is pleased to co-sponsor this event and to share it with our network.
This unique three-part event will feature:
An African Philanthropy Workshop
The World Bank estimates that African immigrants in the US gave $11 billion to their home countries in 2010 alone, far exceeding the giving of America’s foundations to the continent.
The Forum’s workshop, African Philanthropy and Beyond: Strategies for Change, will include a panel of leading voices from Africa and its US diaspora exchanging insights with participants on promising new giving trends. The workshop program is being finalized and we will send an update soon.
Pan-African Dinner
A sumptuous Pan-African dinner featuring foods from Africa and its diaspora will be followed by a rousing keynote speech and audience dialogue with Naomi Tutu.
Keynote Speech and Dialogue with Naomi Tutu
Daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Ms. Tutu, an acclaimed human rights activist and philanthropist, will share her wisdom about The Power of Giving: An African Woman’s Vision. http://www.apbspeakers.com/speaker/nontombi-naomi-tutu
You will not want to miss this unprecedented opportunity to convene the region’s diverse diaspora, foundation and other donors to the African continent.
Registration, $40. includes the workshop, dinner and keynote speech .https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?llr=7xtry8dab&oeidk=a07e6beicec84003239&oseq=a01a1gegc76l5
We look forward to seeing you at this special event!
Jackie Copeland-Carson, Executive Director
Carol Mizoguchi, AWDF USA Pacific Northwest Co-Chair
Anita Koyier-Mwamba, AWDF USA Pacific Northwest Co-Chair