An open letter to Central District parents, particularly those of area 42 & 43:
During the public testimony of Wednesday’s School Board meeting, two area 42 and 43 parents spoke in support of reopening the TT Minor school. Most of their testimony was strong, citing the unarguable damage done by the district with past growth boundary decisions.
However, one parent concluded by angrily telling the board to ask themselves why no one is going to Madrona.
Nothing else, no context, no data, just vile insinuation.
Even if the statement was not meant in that manner it was still a grossly irresponsible choice of phrasing.
It is well-known that Madrona alienated many neighborhood families during the school choice era. But that was two principles ago. Most of the teaching staff has turned over. Last year, the majority of eligible area kindergartners attended Madrona, for the first time in many years.
And the rumors and gossip persist.
If you have concerns about the school, don’t just rely on gossip. Visit the school. Talk to Madrona parents. We did that last spring, and felt good about sending out son there to kindergarten this fall, and we continue to be very happy with our decision.
Area 42 and 43 parents should additionally ask themselves how their community is represented. Do you agree with argument by innuendo and the denigration of a neighboring school? Even if TT Minor reopens, it will be a Seattle Public School, and a part of the Central District community along with Madrona. I hope the advocates of TT Minor realize that.

Matthew Cary