Are Seattle University Students Good Neighbors? SPD & SU Respond to Nuisance Properties

I live in the heart of Squire Park, within walking distance to Seattle University.  Many homes in this area that are not owner occupied are rented to Seattle University students.  My assumption is that residents should be respectful of their neighborhood, maintain and care for their property, and care about the wellbeing of others around them.  Is it reasonable to desire these things for and from our neighbors?

Next door to my primary home is a tri-plex, I have lived on this street for over 2 years, the triplex has only been rented to Seattle University Students.  I am ALL FOR students, however as a community, we should hold these neighborhood residents to the same standards we might expect from more permanent residents.  They are adults and we should expect them to act like, well… adults.  

The owner of this triplex (located on the 600 block of 20th Ave) seems unwilling or unable to manage the expectations of the neighborhood as they relate to the activities of Tenants in the triplex.  I am at the point where this property has become a nuisance.  I have called SPD and SU several times over the past two years, including three incidents over the last 10 days.

Seattle University and Seattle Police have been very professional in their responses to my phone calls, often in the middle of the night, but it takes a village to affect change and I am wondering if anyone else is facing similar situations in the neighborhood?  If so, there are steps you can take!

  • CALL 911 (really, they want you to!) and report the nuisance, the noise ordinance for the city is in effect from 11PM and they will respond to calls after that.
  • CALL 206.296.5990 Seattle University Security, (really, they want you to!) SU students sign a strict code of conduct and it applies to their behavior on and off of campus, debauchery is not an acceptable behavior in this code.  They will respond to the scene and take photos, usually they cannot enter the property
  • STICK IT THROUGH, the hardest part is being willing to stay consistent, write down license plate numbers if you think drug deals are going down, take photos and videos to sent to Seattle University Security & SPD if needed, talk to your neighbors and get everyone on the same page.

If the link below does not work, here is the video url:

This video was taken last night around midnight, I inserted some photos from this morning around the scene as well.  This is not a one-off event just a point in time where I decided to start recording these typical events.  Perhaps together we can create a sense of accountability for our neighborhood and residents.