About Alleycat Acres

Born and raised by a community of strangers turned family, Alleycat Acres is a grassroots urban farming collective that works to build networks of community run farms in an effort to (re)connect people, place + produce.

Spring Farm Hop Announced


Yep! We’re about to dig into Spring time with all three of our farms!

To break in 2013, we’ll meet at 9 AM on March 16th at our 22nd & Union location. After we get 22nd & Union looking good to grow, we’ll head to the other two farms. You’ll get to meet our current line up of 2013 farm managers this year and meet your fellow neighbors, friends and change makers.

Bring some gloves, bring a shovel, bring your best high five skills, bring your ideas, bring your families, bring your bikes, bring your banjoes, bring your drums, bring your voices… Our farms are your farms and exist because you keep them growing year after year.

Can’t wait to see you!