Contact: Katherine Yasi For Immediate Release
206-324-8472 Date: June 27, 2009
Katherine Yasi of Adventure Day Care, a licensed family home childcare in central Seattle has been awarded the Child Development Credential (CDA) in recognition of outstanding work with young children. The credential was awarded by the Council for Professional Recognition in Washington, DC, which represents the early childhood profession.
Katherine Yasi has been providing childcare in her Central District home for ten years. “I started my business when my daughter was just one year old,” said Yasi. “I wanted to create a positive place for urban children to play with each other and interact with the natural environment.”
Parents using childcare are especially concerned today about their children’s welfare. With this in mind, as part of the CDA assessment process, every candidate for the CDA credential is observed working with young children by an early childhood professional. In addition, the candidate must demonstrate the ability to work with families to develop children’s physical and intellectual capabilities in a safe and healthy learning environment.
“Working parents in the city are desperate to find safe, healthy, fun environments for their young children. Family childcare is great because parents can choose a program located in their neighborhood that really matches their specific needs,” said Yasi.
The CDA credential is known to have a positive effect on the quality of childcare. Its impact is especially evident in family childcare settings, the most common form of care for children under 5 years old.
Katherine Yasi is a member of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 925, the family childcare union, and a member of The Washington State Association of Family Child Care Providers.