Join Feb. 15th Day of Organizing, Education & Music for $15/hour minimum wage!

1621869_761576303870324_552673214_nThe Fight for 15 in Seattle has been gathering momentum, but winning a $15/hour minimum wage will require the active participation of thousands.

Join 15 Now for a massive Day of Organizing, Education, and Music THIS SATURDAY, where along with other activists, workers, labor unions, and community organizations, you will get a chance to participate in workshops and actions to build the $15/hour minimum wage movement in Seattle. Then we party with food, drinks, and a rally featuring the musical talents of the dynamic hip-hop artist RA Scion and the smooth jazz fusion stylings of Epiphany Jam Experience. Hear from speakers Jill Stein (Green Part Presidential Candidate 2012), Kshama Sawant (Seattle City Councilmember), James Bible (Seattle/King County NAACP President), David Rolf (SEIU 775NW President), and many more!

SEIU 775 Headquarters
215 Columbia Street, Seattle

Saturday, February 15
2pm Workshops, 7pm Rally

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