There has been a lot of activity recently focusing on the liquor license renewal for Waid’s Haitian Lounge at 1212 East Jefferson Street. Waid’s features live and recorded music seven nights a week. According to the Seattle Stranger, Waid’s is “A Haitian bar and neighborhood hangout with tasty food, strong drinks, and DJs and dancing on the weekends.” Although several citizens enjoy this nightclub, for several years the surrounding neighbors have stated concerns about late night noise, violence and other unsettling activities in and around the establishment.
Our EastPAC February agenda will feature an update about Waid’s (and other nightclubs, should you have questions) and the opportunity to voice your concerns and ask questions. We have invited Officer David Stitt, the Washington State Liquor Control Enforcement representative for our area, and Bill Reddy, who coordinates the City of Seattle Nightlife Premises Regulatory Enforcement Unit. Also present to brief you on the City’s activity relating to this matter will be the East Precinct City Attorney Liaison, Matt York.
Also, as many of you know, we have a new Captain! Come and meet Capt. Pierre Davis, who is very interested in your Precinct-wide concerns. Please join me in welcoming Capt. Davis! I have spoken to him and he is very committed to working with us! Operations Lt. Bryan Grenon and CPT Sgt. Jay Shin will also be present.
And, as always, there is plenty of room on the agenda for Community and Neighborhood Concerns!See you next Thursday!
East Precinct Advisory Council Community Meeting
Thursday, February 27, 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Seattle University, Chardin Hall, Room 144
1020 East Jefferson
Enter campus at 11th and East Jefferson – Park free in the lot in front of the building
All the Best,
Stephanie Tschida, EastPAC Chair
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