SPD investigating 23rd and Union shootout

1528670_10152490669803976_1639754307_nReports of multiple gunshots and shooters at 23rd and Union just before 6 PM drew several police units to the area to search for possible victims, suspects and vehicles seen fleeing the intersection.

The first reports of gunshots came into 911 around 5:48 PM according to SPD radio dispatches. Witnesses reported seeing people exchanging gunfire and at least two vehicles fleeing the area at a high rate of speed.

There were no immediate reports of injuries and no immediate arrests.

Nearby Garfield High School was placed under lockdown conditions as it hosted games in the annual MLK Day Community Hoop Showcase, according to police radio reports.

UPDATE: SPD reports they are investigating the shooting and that nobody was hit by the gunfire. Four parked cars, a business and a home were hit by gunfire, according to SPD.

8 thoughts on “SPD investigating 23rd and Union shootout

  1. Disturbing to say the least, as always. It sounded like it was right behind our house, and it pretty much was. I grabbed the phone to call 911 and pulled the dogs inside from the backyard.

    “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

  2. Why does the Neighborhood Map of 911 calls show it as happening at 9:14 pm and the Police Reports tab on that map doesn’t show it at all? Above report shows it at 5:48 pm. All these disparities (this is just one example out of many) are very puzzling and concerning (the misreported incidents themselves of course are even more frightening, but I thought the reporting problems were being cleaned up. They seem to be getting worse.).

    • Hi Caroly,n and it was only put on the map a few minutes ago, but the police tweeted it much earlier. I too have concerns about why things are not posted on the map earlier or correctly.

      The incident makes me sad. I heard what I thought were shots and soon after that a siren, but could not see the report on the map. Later I saw a post about a tweet. If they can tweet it, then it seems like something would show up on the map.

    • Incidents that require multiple dispatches seem to gum up SPD’s maps the most. Bigger incidents, of course, require more dispatches so those events gets the strangest data entries. If you look at the individual incidents via SPD’s Tweets by Beat you can see the timeline of incidents for a particular event. I’ve made a list here for CD’s beats

      You’ll see the first callout for the location was 5:52 PM:

      SeattlePD Charles3 ‏@SeattlePDC3 14h
      Beat:C3, SHOTS – IP/JO – INCLUDES HEARD/NO ASSAULT at 23 AV / E UNION ST reported on 1/20/2014 5:52 PM, Call# 14000021692

      • Your list the tweets and we are questioning the accuracy of the 911 map of calls:
        I have finally registered for the tweets. Nonetheless, the map often seems accurate and then at other times is not. I know that for one incident some time ago where there was an injury, a stolen vehicle, a fire etc, there were multiple postings indicating a fire response, a medical response, a vehicle accident, recovery of stolen vehicle etc, and all the various calls and dispatches demonstrated the timeline in a fairly accurate manner. While it is true that someone looking just at the map with no knowledge of the final result, may not have gotten a good picture of what happened, but the blotter narrative helped. I guess what Carolyn and I have been wondering is why just the map of 911 is often so off. It seems like an incident would be posted immediately on the report of gunshots via 911.

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  5. Anyone know what’s going on with the fence around the former Liberty/Emerald City/Key Bank property?