Centerstone is offering its first Centerstone Financial Coaching Program. This program provides free and confidential coaching to help eligible participants (partners) learn to manage their money and improve their financial future. As a coach, you will help educate, guide and encourage partners to :
- Start and keep a budget
- Better understand credit
- Formulate a plan to reach goals
- Better manage their finances
- Identify financial goals
- Focus on progress to reach goals
What are the benefits of being a Volunteer Coach?
- Meet new people and enrich your life
- Build your coaching skills
- Strengthen your own financial literacy
- Have the satisfaction of:
- Empowering your partner to improve their family’s financial future
- Helping your partner recognize their strengths and build self-confidence
- Knowing you are having a positive impact on families and our community
Who can be a Volunteer Centerstone Coach?
- No experience is necessary, training is provided at no cost
- Be ready and willing to learn and apply financial coaching skills
- Must be comfortable working with diverse populations
- Ability to get to meeting sites (transportation)
- Commit to the following:
- Fully participate from January 2014 through May 2014
- Attend two 3-hour Coach trainings on Saturday January 11th, 2014 and January 18th, 2014 from 10am-1pm
- With your partner, complete amd submit paperwork to measure results
For more information please contact Amy at [email protected]