Seattle Firefighters responded early Monday morning to a fire at 23rd and Union’s Med Mix.
The call went out around 2:15 a.m. and the response was large. The fire was under control by the time CDNews arrived at the scene shortly afterwards.
Firefighters could be seen inside and there was a ladder leading to the roof of the standalone building on the corner, once the home of Philly’s Cheese Steak.
We will update when we learn more.
UPDATE: A Seattle Fire spokesperson said the damage was limited to the outside of the building and that blaze is being investigated. There were no injuries in the incident.
UPDATE #2: Building owner Ian Eisenberg responds via Facebook:
I think the “damage limited to the outside of the building” is not correct. You can see into the kitchen and see ruined equipment and burnt produce.
Pingback: 911 | Downtown shooting, fire at 23rd and Union’s Med Mix | CHS Capitol Hill Seattle
Oh no……not MedMix. I love that place, please say the damage wasn’t too bad!
I wonder what a normal arson rate looks like and if we have that here or if this batch of arsons is unusual. These are interesting enough as snapshots. Next step wold be to understand the relevancy, the connections if any, and the risks of this single or multiple case(s) of firebugs in the CD.
Kids burn stuff now and then, but, usually close to home and semi-accidentally – failure to understand obvious consequence. Spray painting the N-word is not accidental, and something more than firebuggery. Is med mix also targetted racially? Does somebody assume that a mediteranean place is operated by peoples of lesser value?
What lurks here. Nothing? Something? The pigs must have some opinion. What is it?
Not sure who you’re referring to as “pigs”. If you mean the police– if you have so little respect for them, why do you care what they think?
I am a strong supporter of the pigs. Relax and focus on the subject.
I know one of the owner, who is Moroccan.
I love Med Mix and am happy to have it as a safe and friendly neighborhood anchor on 23rd and Union. I hope that they are able to reconstruct quickly so that the people who work there don’t have to live too long without paychecks…plus I’m addicted to their falafel!