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Two gunshots rang out yesterday just after 5 p.m. at 23rd and Cherry in what appears to be another drive-by shooting incident. Though a busy intersection, there were no injuries.
Seattle Police Department was looking for a car associated with the incident registered to a local address. Police found 9mm shell casings at the scene. SPD has not identified who or what was the target of the shooting.
We’re waiting to confirm additional details with SPD; we’ll post more when we can.
UPDATE: Here’s the official word from SPD:
Officers recovered a stash of clothing, drugs and a stolen handgun Thursday evening near the scene of a shooting in the Central District.
At about 5:15 pm, police received reports that a man had opened fire on another man in a red Chevy Malibu at 23rd Avenue and E. Cherry Street.
The man in the Malibu sped off before the gunman—described as a black male in his 20s, about 5’9, wearing a black sweater and blue jeans—fled the scene on foot.
Officers searched the neighborhood, but weren’t able to find the suspect. However, police did recover clothing, a gun—which turned out to be stolen, and appears to be similar to the one used in the shooting—and several grams of crack cocaine and marijuana hidden near the scene of the shooting.
It appears no one was injured in the incident.
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I wrote a letter to the Mayor in May asking what his plan was to reduce violence, particularly gun violence, in the Central District. I was told twice by a staffer that I would receive a reply and never did. I wonder how many more people need to get shot before this is taken seriously and something is actually done, not just another press conference, but action and follow up.
McGinn sucks. All talk to action.
What’s the email addy? I’ll compound the interest.
Dave – I emailed using the Mayor’s link on the City of Seattle website.
Summer camp was just getting out at Coyote Central, right at that intersection. I hope they catch the shooter and are able to increase the severity of the punishment, for endangering the lives of all those children who go to camp there.
clarification: did the incident itself happen wednesday or thursday?
SeattlePD George3@SeattlePDG328 Aug
Beat:G3, ASLT – IP/JO – PERSON SHOT OR SHOT AT at E CHERRY ST / 23 AV reported on 8/28/2013 5:15 PM, Call# 13000312124
IP/JO means “in progress, just occurred”
I can see how the police report’s timeline is confusing, but as we report, this occurred yesterday, August 28th, Wednesday.
Hey. What was wrong with that? I have no bias on the issue at all. Just think it is an interesting opportunity to see how we will respond to a change. I personally think this is a very positive opportunity.
McGinn will be out later today posting his “No Guns Allowed” stickers at local businesses.
lmao. stickers like ‘girls only’ or ‘keep out’ on a teenager’s room? Oh yah, that’s an effective use of time and money. I bet you he’s got a sticker somewhere on his house saying “Schwinn Parking Only” with an SUV in front of it.
Alot like the Sharow stickers on the pavement. The Sharows stickers are already faded into the badly broken streets. The Sharows told me it was safe to ride on broken streets next to parked cars.
McSchwinn – Hello! Stickers make kids feel all warm inside. They don’t actually change anything. How about handing out teddy bears to gangsters. That might actually work. Hmm. I might try it.
It would be great if we could organize a march on McGinn’s speeches on crime. Given the election, it is a great time to have written promises made (hopefully if we keep the pressure on actual progress could be made) and get the issues in front of the electorate at large. Stickers, group hugs and a few days of extra cops don’t solve these problems. An engaged population working in conjunction with the press, the community, police, prosecutor and the mayor do get things to change.