During the evening of July 4, vandals set explosives in the comfort stations in Leschi Park and Madrona Park, destroying the toilets and plumbing and spreading fecal matter throughout the interiors.
Park crews have shut down these stations and are beginning repairs which will take several days.
The vandals took the toilets out and shattered them with explosives, then set explosives down into the bases where the toilets sat to spread the feces.
A contamination/cleanup staff person was hard at work on July 6 with de-contamination equipment so that other crews can repair the plumbing and re-paint the interiors later.
Port-a-potties are in place in Leschi Park and Madrona.
Apparently, Police policy is not to publicize this kind of event for fear that there will be copycats. Unfortunately, there events are fairly widespread in Central Area parks — including Pratt Park, Judkins Park and Powell Barnett Parks. To me, this is a failed policy and avoids the issue that the care and security of our parks are inadequately funded.
So true Barber. Silence does not deter crime. Quite the opposite in fact. Silence kills.
Sad, disgusting, puzzling. Understandable; the ‘attempt’ to avoid copy-cat actions.
However, our parks are too important to tolerate such destructive activities.
Park Dept. should be required to budget for care and protection…they depend on the public financing, which is generous. We taxpayers expect and deserve responsible care and protection of our parks.
So how much is the citywide damage due to fireworks adding up to? Lets see $1.5m from the boat fire… Enough tolerance of this bs. Time to crack down
I’ll give that fireworks are dangerous in the city in summer. Have had a misshap myself and gave up the game. But this is more than a firework accidend. It is malicious intentional destruction of property. A few steps above a fireworks infaction. This behavior is somewhere between Arson and Anarchist Treason. Granted, much closer to Arson using explosives, but still and anti society anti government attack. So, I’ll go with treason. It is a case for the ATF rather than the Mayberry (SPD) police.