The local advocacy group Upping Technology for Underserved Neighborhoods (UPTUN) is collecting signatures on a letter to Seattle Department of Transportation asking for changes that would help bring broadband improvements to the Central District and Beacon Hill.
UPTUN’s blog has more details on the efforts:
Hey all, UPTUN’s going to be sending a letter to SDOT to try to force some change to the Director’s Rule that’s effectively blocking new broadband equipment from rolling out in Beacon Hill and the other underserved areas of Seattle. Most of us are stuck with the choice of a cable provider or nothing for high-speed internet. Well, we’re all tired of it. It’s time to take action.
UPTUN plans to collect as many signatures as possible before mailing the letter on Saturday. If you’re interested in reading the letter and signing it, read the full letter here and then click over to the UPTUN blog and leave a comment with your (real) name and affiliation — for example, “John Doe (owner, Central District Widgets).”
Thanks, Megan! CenturyLink has money to invest in Seattle and would like to provide better service; they just need to have the ability to work in the right of way.
Doesn’t Gigabit Seattle make this a moot point? No mention of it in the UPTUN letter. What am I missing?
What, do gang bangers need fiber optic speeds to update their MySpace pages?
Funny you should ask Fred. Actually the Hoovers have installed a network of surveillance cameras with reckonition software to inentify police and fedral agents – badged and under cover.
The gang now has better intel than any law enforcement agencies and can track police movement throughout the region. Live data collection is sourced from cell phones, dash cameras, convenience store cameras, and car cameras that are parked at stategic pathways.
They need faster connectivity to respond to imninent raids and approaching rivals.
Great work. Over feed the troll and they go away
Malicea, you are not allowed to say “bald guy”. It is offensive to the capillus challenged people. Clearly the man you speak of would be known as a QBall as he has made a choice to accentuate his lack of saeta. You simply must try to be a better human being Malicea.
Furthermore. The Hoovers have been driven out by Mexicans, thank goodness.
Otherwise a very good suggestion on the future of technology in the hands of criminals. I wonder if they were smart enough to use technology in that way if they would still be criminals. Oh, wait, I forgot about Verizon, ATT, and Brownstripe.
Greg… Gigabit isn’t rolled out anywhere yet (including Chicago, where they started). Giving Gigabit preferential treatment, in any case is not our goal. We want a level playing field for all broadband service providers. Gigabit’s not a factor, and the soonest they say they’re going to roll out services is spring of 2014 (they already pushed the date back once).
CenturyLink has had equipment they could roll out almost immediately, so this is why we call them out by name in our letter. We want more options, not just Comcast + Gigabit. Thanks for your comment.