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Here’s a look at some crime incidents in the CD in the past month or so, according to Seattle Police reports.
Man arrested after failing to pay cab, assaulting driver — March 1, 26th and Union
This is a friendly reminder to always pay your cab fare. Also, don’t assault people.
A man allegedly attacked a cab driver after refusing to pay the fare for his trip from downtown to 26th and Union shortly after midnight. The driver called the police, who contacted the man and placed him under arrest. From the police report:
ATM robbery — February 15, 23rd and Jackson
A woman told police that she was robbed of a large sum of cash shortly before 2:45 p.m. She withdrew the money from an ATM near 23rd and Jackson when a group of women approached her, she told police. From the report:
AM/PM robbed — February 19, 23rd and Cherry
Two men and a woman robbed the AM/PM convenience store at 23rd and Cherry of ten dollars, and assaulted the clerk on the way out of the store, according to the police report. The woman in the group was arrested at 23rd and Jackson shortly after the incident. From the police report:
Victim escapes attempted robbery in Yesler Terrace — March 6, 8th and Washington
A potential robbery victim was able to get away from her attackers, one of whom wanted to fight her. She told police she did not recognize the men, who tried to rob and fight her as she walked to her apartment from the #27 bus around 1:45 p.m. From the police report:
Woman steals cell phone from car waiting at stop light — February 14, MLK and Cherry
A man driving a company towncar was waiting at the MLK and Cherry stoplight shortly after 1:30 a.m. when a woman jumped into the passenger seat and stole his cell phone from its holder, he told police. From the report:
Ha! Pretend handshake -> Handcuffs! :-D
That is a great move!
Some of the stories I find a bit confusing.
1) I didn’t think you could withdrawl $5000 from a cash machine. In all my life the bank has never let me take more than $600 from the machine in one day.
2) A company town car would most likely be <10 years old and have power windows and door locks. All such cars have doors that automatically lock once you start driving. He would have to have been in park for the doors to unlock automatically, or, he unlocked the door.
Just saying, there is more to the story(s).