Private development of Yesler Terrace kicks off with 12th and Yesler building


Concept image from the Early Design Guidance document (see full document below)

Yesler and Broadway construction. Photo by Gordon Werner, used with permission

Yesler and Broadway construction. Photo by Gordon Werner, used with permission

Change is coming quickly to Yelser Terrace.

The intersection of Yesler and Broadway will be closed for weeks for a redesign that will make way for the First Hill Streetcar and newly designed sidewalks and bike lanes. And while major demolition of the existing housing units has not yet begun, Vulcan has been chosen to lead the private redevelopment efforts, and one private development project is already underway on a vacant lot at 12th and Yesler formerly owned by Seattle Housing Authority.

As we reported previously, Canadian firm Gracorp Capital Advisors bought the lot from SHA for $2.88 million in the the fall. Now, local architecture firm Spectrum Design Solutions (members of which worked on 12th and Cherry’s The Douglas) will present its initial design concepts for a six-story, 119-unit building on the corner.

With commercial space on the ground floor and a mix of studio, one-bed and two-bed units, project designers say they are hoping to create a building for people of different income levels. From the Early Design Guidance document:

The applicant’s objective is to create a pioneer project as the first private development of Yesler Terrace, and provide a walkable transit oriented development for workforce housing containing an effective mix of incomes and uses.

  • Anchor the corner of 12th Avenue and E Yesler Way to create a gateway to the neighborhood & 12th Avenue corridor
  • Create a strong activated urban street experience
  • Add to the commercial activity of 12th Avenue corridor
  • Activate the street edges
  • Enhance the pedestrian experience along 12th Avenue
  • Respond to 1105 E Fir Street project to the west
  • Maximize amount and quality of workforce housing
  • Target LEED silver certification

They will present to the Design Review Board 8 p.m.  Wednesday at Seattle University’s Student Center, Room 210.

The full EDG document:

Dr Proposal 3014366 Agenda Id 4237 by tfooq

4 thoughts on “Private development of Yesler Terrace kicks off with 12th and Yesler building

  1. Seneca developed 12th and Cherry, not Spectrum. But Jake Mckinstry, who worked on that project is now at Spectrum.

  2. That is so strange. Maybe this is because Jake worked on it when at Seneca. Or, maybe I am unaware of Spectrum’s involvement in that one. I was pretty heavily involved in the community design review early on though, and don’t recall Spectrum at all.

    Whether one likes this project or not, it is pretty exciting to see something happening on the end of 12th and Yesler. This has been an undervalued intersection for far far too long, given its proximity to downtown, the new streetcar and Cap Hill, CD and ID.

  3. Pingback: Listen: KUOW profiles Yesler Terrace neighborhood activist Kristin O’Donnell | Central District News