Neighbors have rallied to help the Murray family of six, which was displaced by a house fire Halloween night.
The biggest help would be leads on a new place in the Central District for the family to rent. They also need cash and gift cards to help them pay for replacement items and temporary housing.
Tricia Turton, a coach at Cappy’s Boxing Gym and neighbor to the Murrays, has been helping to spread the word about how to help them. She posted the following to the CDNews Facebook Page:
Here is the low down! Please encourage anyone who wants to help to send any information/requests to [email protected]. Just met with the Murray Families. Uncle Bill is set for right now. So, that leaves the family of 6.
MOST IMPORTANT! They need housing, or monies for housing. The girls (8,10) go to Leschi and the boys (11, 13) go to Washington Middle School, so somewhere in the CD/Cap Hill/ Madrona etc area would be easiest. The father works at Seattle University. The mom’s job is to take care of the family.
They are in desperate need of vet care for the kittens. Two have badly burnt paws and have stopped walking and one has some lung issues to be investigated. Anyone who wants to donate Vet care, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
Next important needs: They could use gift cards for the following places: Wallmart, Target, QFC, Safeway, Grocery Outlet, Any gas station, Lane Bryant, Marshalls, Ross, Sephora,
Also, Raquel and Mark (the parents) anniversary is coming up November 21st and we would like to have a date night sponsored for them. We have child care taken care of.
You can mail any gift cards to 425 26th Ave South Seattle WA 98144
You can also use Paypal to send money directly to the Murray Family. Please use [email protected]
These are their most immediate needs.