UPDATE: Hamlin Robinson, which currently leases the TT Minor building from the school district, plans to move by the start of the 2015-16 school year. See full announcement below.
Last night the Seattle School District staff announced the plan to re-purpose TT Minor as a location for the World School to open in 2016. The previously published list of projects below indicated that the location of the World School* currently housed at Meany with Nova was TBD. However, during the community testimony at the Seattle School Board Meeting, Maria Ramirez of Friends of the World School shared the groups enthusiasm for the TT Minor site. That testimony may be viewed about 31 minutes into the Seattle School Board Part II video (Make sure you are on the Part II.) on the Seattle Channel: http://www.seattlechannel.org/videos/video.asp?ID=6259. This was followed a staff presentation that confirmed the plan and may also be viewed on the same video at around the 122 minute mark.
*Seattle World School is Seattle Public Schools’ culturally and linguistically diverse school for newcomer students. It is also becoming a pathway for English Language Learner high school students to study towards graduation. http://friendsofseattleworldschool.com/
Please also note that the Seattle School Board also unanimously passed a resolution to oppose I-1240 Charter Schools.
BEX IV Project Summary List$694.9 Millionwith proposed scheduleNew Schools- North East Elementary @ Thornton Creek – Opens 2016- Wilson Pacific Elementary – Opens 2017- Wilson Pacific Middle – Opens 2017- Jane Addams K-8 at new location –Opens 2017Replacement Schools- Schmitz Park Elementary @ Genesee Hill – Opens 2015- Olympic Hills Elementary – Opens 2017- Arbor Heights Elementary – Opens 2018- Wing Luke Elementary – Opens 2020Modernization/Classroom-Core Facility Addition- Fairmount Park Elementary – Opens 2014- Nova High School @ Mann – Opens 2014– Loyal Heights Elementary – Opens 2018- Queen Anne Elementary – Opens 2019- Bagley Elementary – Opens 2020Re-Purposing & Modernizing of Existing Facilities- Middle School @ Jane Addams –Opens 2017- World School @ New Location –Opens 2016– Meany Middle School – Opens 2017– Lincoln High School – Opens 2019 Lunchroom Additions- Green Lake Elementary- McGilvra ElementaryNew Science Labs- Aki Kurose Middle School- Eckstein Middle School- McClure Middle School- Mercer Middle SchoolField and Track (New or Replacement)- Eckstein Middle School- Ballard High School (track only)- Cleveland High School- View Ridge School (field only)- Thornton Creek (field only)Roof Work- Gatewood Elementary- Laurelhurst Elementary- Eckstein Middle School- Franklin High School- Whitman Middle School
UPDATE: From Hamlin Robinson:
This year, as Hamlin Robinson School celebrates thirty years of serving students with dyslexia and language processing challenges, a new chapter of HRS history begins. We have greatly enjoyed our presence in our current building and the neighborhood, but our long-term strategic plan has always indicated that a permanent site would need to be found to offer HRS and our families the stability that is needed in a thirty year old organization.
This past summer the Board of Trustees formed a facilities committee to begin the process of securing a permanent site. This committee is moving quickly and it is the Board’s plan to be at a new site for the 2015-16 school year. The Board and the Facilities Committee is focusing its work on identifying possible sites and developing plans for a successful move. The general boundaries of our initial search are Lake Washington to the Sound, I-90 to the south and 520 to the north.
In September, the Board of Trustees retained George Jakotich, a broker with New Ventures Group Inc (NVG) to assist us in this process. Since 1993 NVG has earned a solid reputation for helping schools and other organizations identify, analyze, permit and acquire real estate and real estate rights for the development or expansion of public and private facilities.
Read more in a letter to the HRS community from HRS Board of Trustees President, Geir Hansen.
For questions or comments, please contact HRS Head of School Joan Beauregard: [email protected]
Is this what used to be known as BOC (or something similar)?
At least they did the roof at Minor. Wonder what other work will need to be done for the World School folks.
Will be glad to see NOVA back at the Mann Building. Wondering how much work will need to be done there, though I guess as long as they can show continuous occupancy they won’t have to do as much?
From what I have seen, it is the TT Minor tenants, Hamlin Robinson School, that have put in major resources into the building, not necessarily SPS. I have been glad to have HRS in the neighborhood and I hope they stay close. They have been excellent neighbors.
Maybe HRS could lease or buy space at the mlk cc, they have lots of space and it is still in the area they desire.
Will be very sad to see them go … truly.
The age of the students at HR really complements the neighborhood and the playground .. I’m actually worried about too many older kids on the grounds after hours. Hope it all stays as family friendly.
School Neighbor, yes, HR put a lot into the building too. The irony of SPS closing the school and *then* reroofing it was more where I was going with the original comment.
The fact checking report seems to support opposing I-1240.