Details from Monica’s Village:
Please join us for a fundraiser featuring arts and crafts vendors in Monica’s Village Place I, an affordable housing unit for African American working families and individuals transitioning from homelessness. Proceeds will go to updating the computer room in Monica’s Village Place I. There will also be a door prize to win a $100 gift card to Walgreens! Join us for light snacks and music!
Contact: Sheila Marie
Date: Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:00PM-4:00PM
Location: Monica’s Village Place I
140 23rd Avenue South, Suite 140
Seattle, WA 98144
Monica’s Village Place I is 51 units of new, affordable housing in Seattle’s Central Area, at the intersection of 23rd Avenue South and South Main Streets, consisting of one, two, and three bedroom apartments and townhomes. All units are affordable to families making 30% to 50% of the area median household income. The building is oriented around a central courtyard containing a play area for children and a healing/reflection garden. MVPI has made available to the community a beautiful multipurpose room, including kitchen, sound system, AV equipment and other amenities. All revenue from the room rental goes to supplement Family Services funding for the residents. For more information visit or call 206-323-7130 ext. 20, or download and complete the application and mail to: Anthony Davis, Monica’s Village Place I, 140 23rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98144.
Look, I know you mean well, but it is illegal to provide housing preferentially to African Americans.